I Brought My 1 and 3 Year Old To My 20 Week Ultrasound – Why It Was Awesome!
Ever since we told my 3 1/2 year old daughter she was going to be a big sister again, she’s been excited, and even decided that she has a baby dinosaur in her tummy too. She is constantly talking about her “sister,” and insists that I am having a girl. No matter how much I tell her that it COULD be a boy, she insists “It’s a ‘gee-yow!'” One day I asked her, “Lyla, will you be sad if the baby is a boy?” She replied, matter-of-factly, “Mommy, we already have a boy, and it’s Ryan!”
Since she is so excited about the baby, I thought she would enjoy seeing him/her on the ultrasound. Before bringing my kids, I called the office and asked if they would allow children in the room during the sonogram. The receptionist asked the tech who said it would be alright as long as there was another adult accompanying them. That would be fine since my husband was coming anyway. I excitedly told Lyla about the ultrasound, and how we would be able to see the baby INSIDE my tummy.
As the day approached, I was getting a little worried about having my kids in the room because my son, Ryan, is only 1 1/2, and I thought maybe it would bore him and he’d get cranky and make things difficult. I was also a little worried that Lyla would be disappointed if we found out we were having a boy instead of the sister she wants so bad. So, I was a little hesitant. But more than anything, I was excited for them to share this experience with my husband and I.
Ultrasound Day
Well, yesterday was my 20 week ultrasound, and boy, having them there did NOT disappoint! First of all, they were both very well behaved, which I think is partly due to the fact that the lights were dimmed.
The tech had me lay down and lift my shirt, Ryan was watched intently, concern on his face. The first minute or two were pretty quiet while she took pics and measured some of the things she needed to. Almost as soon as parts of the baby became recognizable, Lyla’s face lit up and she giggled. “It’s the baby!” She had us cracking up the rest of the ultrasound with the things she said. Here are the few I will never forget.
*giggle* “Mommy, the baby is upside down!”
“The baby is eating a cookie!”
“Mommy, where’s it’s pants?”
“It looks like it’s eating it’s hand.”
“The baby is eating it’s foot!” (this was the potty shot)
When it came time to find out the gender, we found out that she was not getting the sister she was expecting. But this didn’t seem to bother her at all, she was just so excited to see her brother.
On the way home, I asked her if she was excited about her brother. She said, “Yeah. I’m not getting a sister.” I said, “Yeah, I’m sorry. Maybe you’ll get a sister another time.” She replied, “That’s okay. I have a dinosaur sister in my tummy.”
If you enjoyed my post, please leave a comment and let me know! I’d love to hear from you. 🙂

One Comment
Barb Hughes
Awww… family times and memories are the best.
Congratulations on another boy to entertain Ryan! LOL